Friday, April 29, 2016

Homeboy Industries

Listen to this TedTalk by Father Greg Boyle. What is his argument? What rhetorical strategies does he use to make his argument. Are those strategies effective? Also, reflect on how this argument, and how the pieces we have read about gender shape the way you think about people who are different than you. Do not limit yourself in talking strictly about gender, but in any way that you are different from others.

List of things we read recently:
Women's Brains
Professions for Women
I Want a Wife
Walk on By
Barbie Doll
Those Winter Days
My Papa's Waltz


  1. Father Greg Boyle presents us with an excellent talk about his program he started known as the "Homeboy Industries." Throughout the Ted talk, he uses a number of rhetorical strategies to keep listeners intrigued, inspired, and entertained. The strategies that Fr. Boyle uses in this talk are appealing to logos, pathos, and ethos, as well as using some rhetorical questions in his talk.
    In his speech, Fr. Boyle discusses two main aspects that the "Homeboy Industries" value. These two are compassion and kinship. Not only is the HomeBoy Industries structured around these two things, but his entire argument is structured around them as well. Boyle explains briefly about ways in which we can get back to compassion and kinship in our world. He explains this by saying, "You are exactly what you are because God made you." In other words, we all have a place in this world and we are made in the image and likeness of God. At the conclusion of his talk, Fr. Boyle ties the entire argument together and makes his point in an awesome way. First, he starts by appealing to pathos, or the viewers emotion. He tells of a story in which a man who really was down and out on life came to him looking for a job. Boyle told him that he had a job for him, but he was going to have to work with another person that he did not like. This man was named "Youngster" and he was working with a man named "Puppets", whom he did not like. Fr. Boyle tells a story how how they did not like each other due to a rivalry that was rather personal. One day Puppets was walking home from a grocery store and ended up being murdered by a rival gang. Then Fr. got a call from Youngster and he talked to Father about how much the death bothered him and affected him. He went on to tell Boyle that "He was not my enemy, he was my friend. We worked together." Obviously this story is emotional and appeals to a sensitive crowd, but the entire argument can come from this story. Boyle even asks rhetorical questions as another strategy saying "Does that always happen at Homeboy Industires? Yeah. Any exceptions? No." This is the mission of the industry and what Fr. Boyle wants. He wants us to be one with each other as we are one with God, that's his argument.
    When we are one with each other that means we love each others differences as much as we love each others sameness. For example we have been studying the gender unit, and exploring that men and women are different creatures. That's how God made for it to be. We are called to love the diversity God presented each of us with and learn to understand it, just like Boyle learned to understand his homies. Gender is not the only difference that humans have. Some of us are white, black, and brown. We are called to be one in love with each other. In terms of skin color we should look at it like Youngster did as he talked on the phone to Fr. Boyle that evening. We are not enemies with different races, ethnicities, genders, but we are friends. We worked together. What did we work on? Maybe physically you do/work with a person of a different race or sex, but in all honesty we are constantly working together for one goal. That goal is eternal life. Thats the point. A friend should help another friend get to heaven. A husband should help his wife get to heaven. A brother should help his sister get to heaven. Black or white, male or female, friend or foe, gang member or not, we work together. We are one.

    1. Gabe,
      Your blog was awesome. It was great that you pointed out the rhetorical questions, because I definitely didn't catch that. Also, The way you related how we work together to how the homies work togther in that story was great. You understood his point perfectly. We are to help other get to heaven, and that's all there is to it. Great job!

    2. Gabe,
      I also did not pick up on the rhetorical questions, so like Catherine said, great catch. I think that your last paragraph was phenomenal. It really brings everything in your blog together. You did an awesome job of making connections to the teachings of the Catholic Chuch. Great Blog.

    3. Gabe,
      First off, great job picking out the rhetorical strategies Father Greg Boyle used throughout his talk. I completely agree with Jenna's comment, your last paragraph was outstanding. You have a great grasp on the connection Boyle had with his own mission and God's mission for everyone. Great work

  2. In his TedTalk, Father Greg uses many rhetorical strategies to get his point across. He tells us effectively that we are to love one another, to be brothers and sisters, and to stop treating each other as enemies. Only once we do this will there be peace and happiness. He uses logos, pathos, and ethos, as well as humor to make his points more appealing. His main argument is proved by his experiences with Homeboy Industries, making it stronger and more convincing.
    Father Greg establishes ethos in his talk when he talks of his experience with gang members. He tells us of how rivals who used to shoot guns at each other now shoot texts. This makes one think to themselves that if these men can get along, they too can get along with others who have done far less evil things. And even if they cannot, they can at least listen to what Father Greg has to say, because clearly he has the experience to prove his theories to be true. Father Greg uses these experiences and relates them in the manner of stories to evoke emotion from his listeners. By using these stories he makes a great appeal to pathos. He tells of a boy with an obscene tattoo on his forehead who cannot seem to find a job. It is not the fact that the boy does not have a job that's sad, it's that he does not know why. His ignorance to the world is proof that he did not experience the kinship in his life that Father Greg speaks so highly of. With a little compassion from someone who saw him as more than just a criminal, this young man could finally create a life where he lived in harmony with others. This harmony came from one person seeing the dignity of another, from one person realizing that the boy was not of lesser importance because he committed a crime. This value is essential to the point of Father Gregs talk on kinship.
    Father Greg Boyle uses humor in his argument to appeal to a wider audience, but also to keep people entertained and to add to the simplistic effect of his solution. Father Greg has one request, for others to love each other all the same, to creat one big circle of friends with nobody left out. By adding humor to his talk, he keeps things simple and informal, because that is what the nature of his solution is. His colloquial language captures the essence of his argument, that it is possible, and that anyone and everyone is capable of doing it, proved by the fact that criminals are successfully doing it in Homeboy Industries. While this humor attributes to the overall effect of his argument, it also appeals to a wider audience. It draws in listeners by being interesting to listen to. Father Greg uses his personality and the personality of those he works with to his advantage.
    By using many examples, Father Greg Boyle effectively conducts his argument that until we look at every single person in this world as a friend and not an enemy, regardless of what they have done, we will not have peace or happiness. He often talks of the dignity of every person. He applies this to criminals but it can also be used in defense of the Pro-life movement. The dignity and importance of every single person is the same, and until we treat even the smallest and most vulnerable of human being with the respect they deserve, we will be unfulfilled. Human fetuses are treated as enemies to be gotten rid of, and radical hate groups who commit crimes against humanity are seen as the devil, rather than brothers and sisters who need to be called home. Regardless of gender, regardless of size, regardless of their convenience or of their past, every single person has the same dignity and should be treated as such. Until we see every single person as a child of God and therefore our responsibility to love, we will not have peace

    1. Catherine,
      I also found that humor and colloquialism was a large part of Boyle's rhetoric. I connected that strategy to his pathos because humor is majorly an appeal to emotion. You did a fantastic job of pointing out his use of logos pathos and ethos throughout the talk. Great Blog this week.

    2. Catherine,
      You did are great job recognizing and elaborating on the rhetorical strategies Father Boyle used in his talk. I also thought it was great how you connected his points to the dignity of every person, including the unborn fetus. That was a great way to give an example of another serious problem that is only created out of the act of hate instead of love.

    3. Catherine:
      You analyzed the speech by Father Boyle very nicely. While I read your blog this week, I was impressed with two points you made. The first thing I liked was when you wrote about the man with the tattoo on his forehead. It might seem small, but I thought it was important how mentioned that his lack of awareness of why he couldn't get a job was proof of the need for kinships in his life, as suggested by Father Greg. Secondly, I like how you mentioned that his use of humor was more than entertainment, but it was to keep it simple just like the nature of his solution. You did an excellent job analyzing this Ted talk.

  3. In his TedTalk, Greg Boyle is arguing for a kinship of people to "celebrate justice rather than simply promoting it," and there is so much truth in that statement. In today's society, people passively attempt to make a difference, but their cause is never truly achieved. Greg Boyle addresses the fact that through kinship, compassion, and respect for each other's differences, we can finally make that difference. He uses several rhetorical strategies to effectively gather his audience's attention and convince them of his points.
    Throughout his argument, Boyle employs colloquialism. Colloquialism helps him to bring comfort to the audience and provide comic relief to some of the "heavier" parts of his argument. He carefully balances his argument by speaking of serious issues and contributing some more upbeat jokes as well. He uses slang such as "homies" and "OHN" as well as a few Spanish sentences to display his knowledge and comfort with the people he is speaking about. His use of slang, in that way, contributes logos and ethos to his argument.
    Boyle's argument is framed and composed of appeals to pathos. Pathos frames his argument through his use of two powerful and touching anecdotes about enemies becoming friends and embracing their differences. He uses parallelism and repetition of the phrase "it will not disappoint, and if it delays, we can wait for it" at the beginning and end of his argument to create a powerful emotional response from his audience. By speaking about his burying of the 180th member of Homeboy Industries, Boyle stirs up sympathetic, or even empathetic emotions from the audience.
    Logos and Ethos are also subtly integrated into Greg Boyle's argument to demonstrate his vast knowledge and understanding of the subject of kinship. He contributes logos to his piece through a series of anecdotes. In the beginning of his talk, he demonstrates, through a comedic and modern anecdote about a text message between to rivals, the power of kinship. While he tells the anecdotes, his voice breaks often, unintentionally creating an emotional response from the audience by showing that he truly cares for his "homies" even though they are different from him. Also, a string of statistics about the number of gangs in the area demonstrates his knowledge about gangs, thereby contributing ethos to his TedTalk. His mention of Mother Teresa, a very reliable source, helps him make the point that "we have forgotten that we belong to each other." As a pastor, he generates ethos because he would obviously know a lot about compassion, and he has the largest source of ethos on his side,God.
    The gender unit has taught me a great deal about accepting and embracing each other's differences. "Professions for Women," through a message about the obstacles for women in the working world, taught me about the obstacles being different.
    Reading "I Want a Wife" taught me about the unrealistic expectations we hold for those around us as well as our tendency to form stereotypes about people that are different from us. "Walk on By" showed me the devastating effects of stereotyping on the people that are stereotyped. Even though there are people who fit stereotypes, it is sad that people who don't fit them have to endure the challenges that accompany them. "Barbie Doll" warned me of the dangers of creating ideals of perfection and attempting to fit every person into that mold. God intended everyone to be different, and each person striving for said "perfection" destructs the qualities that actually make them perfect. We are made perfect in our differences rather than simply our similarities, and this unit has had a large role in making me understand that

    1. Jenna,
      You did a great analysis of Father Boyle's talk. I especially enjoyed how you discussed his use of comedic relief throughout his talk. You also provided great points about his appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos, especially how he used God as his greatest source of ethos.

    2. Jenna,

      In my opinion, you proficiently explained the purpose of Father Boyle's colloquialism and slang. That paragraph was excellent. I wouldn't necessarily call the "...we can wait for it" repetition, but Father Boyle does implement this statement from the Prophet Habakkuk at the beginning and at the end of his talk, so it is, in fact, parallelism. I like how you pointed out that he created an unintentional emotional response when his voice would "break" while telling a tragic story. The only other sentence I have a problem with is the one that follows "Walk On By," particularly the way it sounds. Other than that, I think you did a remarkable analysis of this TED Talk.

  4. In his inspirational TED Talk "Compassion and Kinship," Father Greg Boyle employs various rhetorical strategies to achieve his purpose, that is, to promote the sense of unity that exists among the Kingdom of God and how it has the power to impact communities and ultimately change lives.
    Fr. Boyle maintains a causal, relaxed, and solemn tone throughout his address. From the onset, he establishes a comfortable environment; yet at the same time, he resonates with people who have a vision of wanting to see the world in a different way, with those who seek to nurture a community of kinship. He parallels that vision of mutuality to a quotation from the Prophet Habakkuk: "This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place." Fr. Boyle links this delay to an ongoing problem in the world explained by Mother Teresa, that is, we forgot we belong to each other. He follows with a series of rhetorical questions, which place an emphasis on the array of people who struggle to be accepted with compassion by society. "How do we create and imagine a circle of compassion, and then imagine no one standing outside that circle? How do we stand with the poor, the powerless, the voiceless, those whose dignity has been denied, those whose burdens are too big to bear, the easily despised, the demonized?" I believe he encompasses humanity in a circle of compassion because a circle contains no end points; it is a symbol of totality, wholeness, and eternity. Fr. Boyle appeals to ethos by sincerely explaining the mission of Homeboy Industries organization and highlighting the life-changing experiences that this organization has the power to bring about. He explains how he has worked with gang members for twenty-five years and the fact that they have taught him everything of value; however, he never mentions that he serves on justice initiatives such as the U.S. Attorney General’s Defending Childhood Task Force and the National Gang Center Advisory Board. In addition, he appeals to logos by providing statistics and introducing some of the programs offered by Homeboy Industries. Fr. Boyle stresses the need for our world to obliterate the illusion that we are separate and different, that some lives matter more than others. He juxtaposes this current illusion with the condition of the poor. He says we should "stand in awe of what the poor have to carry, rather than stand in judgment at how they carry it; for the measure of compassion lies not in our service of those on the margins, but in our willingness to see ourselves in kinship with them, in mutuality."
    Much of Fr. Boyle's argument is centralized on personal anecdote and how Homeboy Industries has truly impacted people in unimaginable ways. For example, he tells of Bandit, a homie who once greatly resisted his help. One day, however, something changed. Bandit began to feel a sense of purpose and went on to attain a job, own a house, get married, and have three children. This story is a living example of how the desire for the soul to feel its worth, to be what God made it to be, cannot be restricted: not by a bullet, not by prison walls, not by death. Though much of the talk resonated with the audiences' emotion, the appeal to pathos is most evident when Father tells the story of how "Puppet" was brutally assaulted and later declared brain dead. He said that in all of his tragic experiences, "nothing could compare to the sight of this young man." That's when the viewers could really put things into perspective and come to understand inhumanity in its most cruel form.

  5. Ultimately, this talk makes you reflect not only how you treat others, but how you see them as part of a united mission. Modern stereotypes that emphasize differences among groups of people, as seen in many of our class readings, only impede that mission. I know that the next time I see someone whom I would normally label as a "lowlife" or a "good-for-nothing," I will think of how Fr. Boyle's words touched me to realize that we are a family built on compassion.
    Alluding back to the Book of Habakkuk, Fr. Boyle concludes by paralleling God's call for us to our desire to be sharers in his love and divinity: "It shouldn't surprise us that God's own dream come true for us, that we be one, just happens to be our own deepest longing for ourselves; it's mutual, for the vision still has its time to press onto fulfillment, and it will not disappoint; and if it delays, we can wait for it.

  6. In his talk, Father Greg Boyle discussed several ideas based on kinship between all people, alike or different. His argument provided several points that help as all to see the potential in others whether they are our friends or enemies. His argument is mainly centered around our call from God that tells us to love each other.
    Father Greg Boyle is arguing that we must love each other more and care for everyone that we see. Through Homeboy Industries, Father Greg Boyle was able to see and experience the formation of love, compassion, and understanding between people that were assumed to be dangerous simply because they were gang members. His argument includes several rhetorical strategies to help show his listeners how important kinship is in our lives. He appeals to ethos in the beginning of his talk by quoting Mother Teresa. By including this quote he was able to give the crux of the issue, "we forgot that we belong to each other." Later in his talk, Father Boyle appealed to logos by giving his audience the astounding numbers of programs and people helped through Homeboy Industries. His appeals to pathos can also be found through his real life experiences and stories. Each story found in his discussion demonstrated selfless love that we must all strive to achieve. He shared stories about enemies turning into friends and those who thought they had nothing left to live for finding their true purpose in life. The strategies he used in his argument were incredibly effective because they helped his listeners to see that we can each make a difference in the world by using the ultimate power of love. He showed this through both his personal stories and statistics.
    After reading several pieces about gender and listening to Father Boyle's talk, I noticed that assumptions against others have harmed us by causing us to forget about loving everyone we meet and have yet to meet. We make assumptions and stereotypes against all people instead of loving them for who they are. In the piece "Walk on By," we learned that we stereotype black men, and men in general, for being dangerous, especially toward women. In the piece "Barbie Doll," we discovered how harsh society is towards the appearance of women. After listening to Father Greg Boyle's talk, I believe that it is even more important to show love to everyone because it has the ability to turn their life around. If we can learn to love like we are called to, there will no longer be stereotypes that turn us away from others. We will learn to love others for who they are, not by the color of their skin, their outward appearance, their gender, or where they come from. We will learn to love them simply because God calls us to love one another as we love ourselves.

    1. Hailee,
      I like how you talked about the love and compassion between the gang members despite the views many people have of "dangerous" people. Good job on finding the appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos and establishing what in the talk corresponded to those appeals. I also liked your reflection on our recent readings in relation to Father Greg's talk, good work

    2. Hailee,

      You did a great job distinguishing and structuring Fr. Boyle's appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos. You also incorporated two class readings that correlate to what Fr. Boyle is trying to preach, which essentially furthers your own argument. However, I think you could have alluded to more specific rhetorical strategies used in the TED Talk, such as explaining the meaning of another quote, or expounding on one of the many personal anecdotes.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. In Father Greg Boyle's Ted Talk "Compassion and Kinship," his talk focuses on his program he created known as "Homeboy Industries" that has helped countless of gang members better their life. Throughout his talk, he uses several rhetorical strategies to evoke emotion on his audience causing a great appeal to pathos. He also appeals to several other strategies to get his argument across to the audience.
    Father Greg Boyle begins the talk with a few comical anecdotes regarding some of the gang members he has helped in the past, but as his talk progresses he shows a very serious and somber tone. He draws in the readers attention with some funny stories, but then changes the mood to a serious tone when he talks about the unfortunate circumstances theses gang members often encounter. This enables readers to be completely engaged in the talk. Father's major appeal in his talk is emotion. My favorite anecdote he shared gave me the feeling of compassion and sadness. Father Greg shared with us a story about two rival gang members Puppet and Youngster who had to work in the same environment together. One day Puppet was beaten up by a group of rival gang members, and was put in the hospital and eventually died. Youngster, despite his differences with Puppet, set them aside and showed great love and friendship toward Puppet. He asked Father Greg if he could do anything to help him, even give him blood. This was the exact mission Father Greg Boyle was hoping for all along. To show compassion and kinship to our fellow human beings. We are one, God made us to be brothers and sisters and we should try and live our life expressing love and compassion for others. He uses Mother Teresa as a credible source with her words saying that we forget that we belong to one another. Father Greg then asks the audience a few rhetorical questions to think and reflect on. He emphasizes that all lives are important, not just certain ones. This makes his audience become completely engaged in his purpose and argument of his talk. He also appeals to ethos as he explains his entire mission and reasoning for developing his life changing program. He provides the audience with statistics and job opportunities Homeboy Industries provides which appeals to logos. Ultimately, all of his strategies he used are for one reason and that is to get the point across about his mission for his company. We are one with each other as we are one with God, and showing love and compassion for everyone regardless of the differences we may have.
    What I took out of Father Greg Boyle's talk was how we treat others despite the differences we may have. Everyone is different, whether it's our race, ethnicity, or sex. We all employ differences in each person's own unique life. As we have read the gender unit and learned about the differences and common stereotypes of men and women, I came to the conclusion that there is one thing that everyone is capable of doing. That is showing love for someone. At the end of day, it matters what is inside a person. If we all can show love and compassion for one another, nothing else should matter. Is it that easy? Absolutely not, but messages like Father Greg Boyle give me and people everywhere hope that compassion and kinship can be achieved through one person at a time.

    1. Brad:
      You wrote a nice blog on this topic. You found the rhetorical strategies that were in Father Boyle's speech and developed them well in your work. I like how you said that the humor was a way of getting attention and then keeping it next. That was very smart of Father Greg. I appreciated the fact that you wrote about what you took out of it. I think we all should read that and try to incorporate it into our lives. It's easy to say but hard to live it. Nice work, Brad.

  9. Father Greg Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries, which is group that helps find work for those who participate in gang and those who can not normally find work. He talks to great lengths about how those people, who attempt to kill other gang members, interact at work and grow and develop in their relationship. Although at the heart of his argument, is the fact that we are all equal in God's eyes. He uses several rhetorical strategies to back up this point throughout the piece. He uses logos, pathos, ethos, and rhetorical questions to strengthen his argument in the speech. He first establishes hid ethos by stating that he is a priest and that he has many gangs in the area, and he has dealt with them. The statement that he is priest is especially important, because this mans he is a man of God and understands his will. The next rhetorical strategy that he employed was the exceptional use of pathos. He uses pathos in several ways, the first is the amount of gang members that he has buried though out the years as the homeboy industry grew, and the stories of how the worker grew and developed in their relationship with each other. This really adds to his argument that everyone is equal in God's eyes and that everyone should be treated as equals, although society today does not treat everyone as equals. It is extremely difficult to treat as equals in today's world in which promotes separation of races and social levels. People in today's society stereotype every race and judge passed on skin color and where they live, but it is much better than what it has been in the past. We have gotten out of the days of limited voting rights and slavery. Today, as a society, we need to accept that we are all equal in God's eyes, and treat everyone that way.

  10. Mitchell,
    Your blog definitely showed that you understood the argument. You are entirely right when you say he started off his appeal to pathos when he talked about how many of his homies he has buried. Besides a little bit of funky wording and using the word "equal" a little too often, the only thing that could have made this blog better was a little bit of time. Good job.

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