Friday, February 5, 2016

I LOVE my Catholic School

List three reasons why it is awesome to attend a Catholic School.
Make one constructive suggestion about how your school could be even better!


  1. Going to a Catholic school is truly a privilege. Elk County Catholic offers a great education to all of its students. Elk County Catholic is able to "raise the bar" for education with a high honors requirement of 96.5 GPA. The quality of education is incredibly individualized with the lower ratio of students go teachers. Also, less government intervention and funds allows the school to use more individually beneficial teaching strategies.
    The faith-driven environment of Catholic schools allows students to develop stronger faith and moral strategies. Theology classes are taught on a daily basis and masses are celebrated on weekly basis to give students the opportunity to strengthen their relationship with God. In addition, the moral standards at Catholic schools are held far higher than in public schools, leading to a stronger development of moral strategies in Catholic school students.
    Lastly, the smaller atmosphere of Catholic schools allows student to develop stronger relationships with their peers and teachers. Due to the smaller student to teacher ratio in Catholic schools, closer relationships can be formed between students and teachers for a more enriching learning experience. Also, small class sizes provide closer relationships between students.
    One criticism I have of ECC is the extreme attention paid to tedious details instead of larger, more pressing issues. The staff has become overly concerned with whether or not the student body tucks in their shirts or wears the proper color socks, which, in their defense, can be an important element of student image and discipline. However, there are far more pressing problems occurring within the school that require more attention than they are receiving. There are students chewing tobacco, smoking e-cigarettes, and texting during classes, but the faculty seems only to concern themselves with the trivial issues.

    1. Jenna,
      First off, i like your first comment about the privilege of receiving a Catholic education. I agree that Elk County Catholic offers great education to every student, but I do not think that talking about the GPA to receive honor roll backs that up. All that shows is that our school is looking for students to reach their utmost potential. Secondly, our faith driven environment is an essential part in our school system, there is no arguing with that. Although, you say that public students do not have as high of moral standards as we do, which is not necessarily the case. Thirdly, the close relationships between teachers and students truly does make our school unique, but the lowering number of students is not a good thing. More students in our system is going to make our school thrive instead of diminish. We need more numbers in our schools, not less. Small classes may allow students to form relationships with more people, but more students in our system is far more crucial.
      Lastly, the so called "tedious" details are in our handbook and are required by teachers and faculty to enforce to student. I agree they may be small issues, so I was excited to read about the bigger problems you were going to discuss. As I read further, I was not impressed. The tobacco, texting, and etc. is also considered small details in my mind. More important issues that concern students academically are the important issues me should be discussing. Issues involving students not getting the best possible education should be the top priority at ECC, not worrying about students sending a message in school. Big whoop.

    2. Jenna,
      You did a good job on your blog but there are a few things that I disagree with, like Brad said about the rules texting and the tobacco those are small things. In the public school they allow the students to have their phones out in the hallways, certain places in the school and in class if the teacher says its ok. Our school so worried about the small things when in reality they should be worrying on bigger things like education and helping us learn to live on our own during college.

    3. Jenna:
      I agree with what you had to say on most of the points you had. It is a key component of our school having theology daily, and mass weekly. I still am not sure about the high honors change, as I cannot decide my opinion on that so I will just say it's good you brought that up. I am not sure the statement about the morals of Catholic school students are higher than public school students and that could be challenged. The smaller class sizes do help student-teacher relationships, good point. Lastly, I am going to have to agree with Brad. You mention how students are chewing tobacco, smoking, and texting during class. That is stuff that goes on in every high school, but honestly there are worse problems out there. I agree that is a problem, but one of my least concerns.

    4. Jenna,
      I agree with most of your essay, and I do think that a Catholic school helps in the development of morals. However, I have to disagree when you say teachers should not pay attention to the small details of the handbook. If these details were not important, they wouldn't be in there. All of these small details add up to the higher standard that you talk about in your essay. Your main reason that teachers shouldn't pay attention to these details is that there are bigger issues. I disagree. ALL issues can sand should be delt with at all times. Just because a teacher tells a student to change their socks does not mean that they cannot tell them to stop smoking in the locker rooms as well. Your view on this point contradicts the rest of your blog, which is otherwise great.

    5. Catherine,
      I think you have a really good point about my criticism. In hindsight, I think I should have addressed it more as we should pay equal attention to both issues rather than more attention to one or the other.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Are we actually permitted to list, or should the responses be in paragraph form?

    1. I thought we were all going list too Jared. Bummer. :(

  4. Often I feel as if we take for granted the unique opportunity to attend a Catholic school. Sometimes I think it is important to take a step back, reflect, and develop a greater sense of gratitude for how blessed we truly are to be able to wake up each morning and learn and grow at Elk County Catholic High School.
    It is essential to recognize and be thankful for all the benefactors of the school that are responsible for its continued success. Coach Straub always talks about how we need more givers because the world is full of takers. In a community of brothers and sisters united in Jesus Christ, there are many parents, teachers, and coaches who devote their time, talent, and treasure to the school system because they are observant of the effects that it has had on students. Under the instruction and guidance of these great supporters, students are taught not only how to be successful in the classroom, but they are also challenged to do the right thing, to be young men and women of integrity.
    In addition, it is awesome to be a part of an institution in which we can freely and wholeheartedly worship our God and celebrate the Eucharist (the most obvious reason). I am not going to go on and on with regards to all the chances we have to express our faith, because I would probably be typing for a long time. However, while typing this, I did glance away for a quick second, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a project that my younger sister worked on in school, specifically an art project. It was a poster of a figure made out of string, marker, glitter, and a painted set of little hands. It said "Guardian Angel. Protect Me." I do not think I need to say much more. For a number of years, we have been able to do things that many others have not been able to do. Ultimately, it is what separates Catholic schools and public schools. We must always cherish this faith-filled journey because it sustains and nourishes us spiritually.
    Lastly, recall what Father Allan said in his homily at Catholic Schools' Week Mass. He talked about how it is easier and more enjoyable to do the right and necessary things when there is a mission. Apply this to our mission statement: "Elk County Catholic School System, an educational ministry of the Diocese of Erie, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is committed to the highest standards of academic excellence. With God as our constant source of inspiration, our mission is to develop the whole student in mind, body, and spirit while nurturing the values of knowledge, peace, and holiness." As a student of the school, I can say that it is amazing to have a sense of meaning and purpose. ECCSS is not just a school, it is a community of believers who strive to help others, become great people, and become disciples of Christ. In the end, this is why it is awesome to attend Elk County Catholic.
    I understand that my proposal might be one of the most difficult things to carry out, but with all of the international students that our school has gained, I think we need to find more effective ways to show that they are always welcomed. Recently, this has been an issue, yet I am optimistic that it can be improved in the near future.

    1. Jared,
      I enjoyed your blog. I liked how you talked about the faith a lot because that really is the most important part of our school. Also I agree with you on how we should find more effective ways to show the international students that they are always welcome.

    2. I agree with your 3 reasons, and I think your suggestions on the foreign exchange students are great! I see you mentioned Coach Straub too.

  5. Going to a Catholic school is an amazing thing. I have learned a lot being in a Catholic school. There are many great things about going to a Catholic school. One of the most important things to going to a Catholic school is that you get to live in your faith. We get to learn about our Catholic faith everyday in theology class and we go to mass as a school every week. Learning about God and being able to live in your faith is a great thing.
    Another great thing about going to a Catholic school is the one on one interaction with the teachers. Our school is smaller so teachers can have one on one conversations with students if they need help. Although it would be great if we could get more students in our school and still have the one on one interaction. Teachers are very supportive of students and encourages them to do their best and if they are struggling they always try to help in some way.
    The last thing that is great about going to a Catholic school is the student body are hard workers and always are helping others. We do our charity work to get 20 hours each year. Our school does this every year and I think it is a wonderful thing because it teaches the students that helping others is an amazing thing and it shows others that you care about them.
    Going to a Catholic school is an amazing thing but it does have some down falls. Our school has many rules and I don't think that students always fallow them because they seem stupid. I believe that the rules should be updated to todays century because girls are getting yelled at for clothes they wear, for example girls are getting yelled at about certain sweaters they are wearing on dress down days. I don't think they should be getting yelled at for them because it is not like they are low cut or anything. They cover everything up and they are nice. I think our school goes a little to far on the dress code for dress down days and there are many other rules that they worry about to much when they should be worrying about way more important things like our education not what we wear.

    1. Kira:
      You have three very good reasons that I agree with. I think that when you talked about the teachers and the one on one relationships that brings, you were repetitive. I liked your point about being able to live your faith, as this is so true. The last point you made about service hours was a good one, and one I didn't think of, so nice work. I agree with your suggestion about the school rules, because like you said in the world we live in today that's what people tend to wear. As long as the clothes are appropriate, they should be allowed.

    2. Kira,
      I think you made some very good points in your blog. I agree with Gabe's point that you were a bit repetitive in your paragraph about one on one interactions. I have one criticism on your point that we provide service to our community. The public schools are required to do service hours as well, so that aspect does not truly make our school unique, but it is still a beneficial thing to do. Otherwise, you did a great job!

    3. Kira,
      You made a lot of points that I agree with. I also made a point about service hours in my blog and how they help teach students to help out in the community. However, I think you could have added a little more detail about it or just more detail about how students are encouraged to help each other on a daily basis. Other than that you did a great job.

  6. Attending a Catholic school is something I've been privileged to do all of my life. I am proud to say that Elk County Catholic has been a huge reason for making me the young man I am today. When I say I've been privileged to attend, I mean every bit of that, as some people are not as fortunate. Elk County Catholic is a special place to attend high school because of the ability to practice your faith, the teachers, and the alumni.
    Often times I wonder what it would be like trying to take on a day without Jesus Christ. What I mean by that is Jesus is a total game changer! At Catholic schools we have the ability to reference Jesus at any point in the day without fear. What makes it so special is that we can involve him and our faith not just in our theology classes, but in every class, like we are right now! Daily prayers might seem like a small thing, but that is the best way to start and end our school day, and something we can do throughout the day. Having the ability to thank God openly for our successes is just awesome. A big reason we are successful students is because we have Jesus giving us strength. I know personally, weekly mass will help get me through the week at times, as I look forward to our celebration of the Eucharist in our beautiful chapel. Coming together as a school community for the sacrament of reconciliation and different prayer services are things that put Catholic schools ahead of the game. I love the ability to practice my faith every single day inside and outside of the classroom.
    Dating back to the times in elementary school, we have been told to thank my teachers because they are here for us. This never really meant anything to me until I started looking towards education as a possible career path. I discovered public school teachers are making double, even triple the amount that Catholic school teachers make. That is a huge sacrifice, as many of them could use the extra paycheck, but they feel called to spread the faith and to live it each day. As they say, sometimes less is more.
    Lastly, the support our alumni gives to our current students is pretty neat. Many organizations in our school community are solely run by Elk County Catholic alumni. Many of our sports programs would not get the support financially that they need without the donations that we receive and the fundraisers. It feels good to be in a community filled with people who want to keep the school alive, and want to do what they can to make sure that happens.
    One area of improvement I think our particular school needs is the establishment of a stronger theology class. I think our students need to know God and come to understand Him, instead of knowing how to write down definitions. I am not bashing any teachers in our school, I just think the material covered is not enough. If I did not grow up in such a "Catholic based family", if you will, I don't think my faith would be coming from my theology class. Theology is such an important part of life, and through my three years in high school I just feel like I've been cut short.

    1. Gabe,
      I completely agree with you that the theology classes at ECC are not up to par. From too many coloring days to the amount of "Jesus loves you" we hear a day instead of actual theology, many kids could be suffering. Also, I agree that the teachers are not necessarily to blame, as they are teaching what they are given.

    2. Gabe,

      I love how you talk about Jesus in such a beautiful and eloquent manner. In addition, it was a good tactic to relate your appreciation of teachers to your intended career path. I know you'll end up being not only a great teacher and coach, but a great man and role model as well. It was important to give credence to the generous benefactors of the school, as they are responsible for the school's continued success. Overall, I knew you would deliver a great blog!

  7. Attending a catholic school is a great way for students to set their future and enjoy their time at school while receiving valuable knowledge. ECC is a school where students have a good environment to study in, individualized teaching, and a Catholic setting that is incorporated into studying and sports. However, our school does have some flaws. A good balance between technology and classical means of studying and having fun is hard to find at ECC.
    ECC students have a great environment to study in. The school is welcoming and has many qualities that help get rid of distractions and put people in a professional setting. One of these things is the dress code. While people from other schools may think that the dress code is awful and a good reason NOT to go to ECC, it is actually the opposite. The dress code eliminates distractions. It also eliminates the need to spend time and money on clothing. Also, with everyone wearing the same thing, the pressure of what your wearing, how stylish it is, and what brand it is is not there at all. The dress code at ECC helps students tremendously in these ways.
    Elk County Catholic is a great place to learn because of small classes and great teachers. As a generally smaller school, it is easier to receive individualized treatment. This makes it possible for students to go at their own pace while learning. Also, the teachers at the school are very trustworthy and work hard because they care about the students. Even though they do not get paid much, they still offer to stay after hours and help any student who needs it. ECC has a great staff that wants to help every student do their best.
    Many schools in Elk County have a bad reputation as having bad sportsmanship. Some schools in particular are widely known for having poor conduct as fans, coaches, and players. Our Catholic school is not like that. Our school has Catholic morals that govern us in all activities, including sports. These teachings are great practice for later in life, and bring a whole new dimension to the term student athlete.
    While ECC has all of these great qualities, there are some minor issues in the school that could be worked on. One of these things is the balance of technology. Since the school has decided to grant every high school student an iPad, they seem to be overly concerned with using them enough to get their money's worth. While technology is important and iPad are a great addition to education, they do not need to be used all the time. They also do not need to be completely gotten rid of. The best education will involve a good balance of technology and traditional ways of doing things.

    1. Catherine,
      I agree with you in saying that the dress code eliminates distractions on the grounds that students spend less time obsessing over what they will wear or who is wearing what, however in some ways it creates further distraction. As it has been addressed in several blogs, the dress code has been a very popular topic of discussion. Some of the strict rules of the dress code, while intended to be beneficial, have become a point of distraction for students because they must ensure that their socks are the proper color or their shirt is tucked in, etcetera. Some people become distracted in concern of themselves or others meeting the dress code, and others become distracted in making fun of the requirements. Also, I believe that one of the biggest problems with the technology in our school is not overuse, but rather misuse. If a teacher wishes to use the iPads for a beneficial lesson aid, then I think they should. The biggest problem with the iPads seems to be students using them for unauthorized activities during class. You are right, we shouldn't be using the technology just to get our money's worth, but if it benefits the class and helps them learn, why shouldn't we?

    2. Catherine,
      You made some great points that I really agree with. I honestly never really thought of the strict dress code that way. It may seem a little unnecessary sometimes, but in a way it does limit some distractions. I, however, don't really think that the iPads are overused. I really only use my iPad in one, sometimes two classes. Other than that, I thought your blog was excellent.

  8. There are many great benefits that come from attending a Catholic school like Elk County Catholic. Students that receive a Catholic education often have more skills and knowledge pertaining to specific areas like God, community, and other world religions, that public school students are not taught.
    At ECC, all students learn to center their day around God. The opportunity to talk about God in every class gives each student a better chance to build a relationship with Him. There is a mass at school held every week to give every student and staff member time to talk to God and pray to Him for any intentions they may have. God can be openly discussed in any class from theology to science. Students that attend a public school are discouraged from talking about Jesus, while students at a Catholic school are encouraged to share their faith.
    Another benefit that comes from a Catholic education is the push for community activities. At ECC, students learn to work together with other students, teachers, and the entire school community. We learn to always help others, even when it's not convenient. In order to aid students with this practice, ECC created the ECHO, or Elk Catholic Helping Others, project. Every year students are required to achieve a certain amount of service hours. Some students receive them from helping a neighbor, and other students may help out at their school over the summer. The ECHO project has been a fantastic way to teach the students at Elk County Catholic how to give some of their time to those who need it.
    Each student is required to take a theology class every year at ECC. However, in these theology classes, we learn about the Catholic faith, and we are taught other practices of different religions. This helps each student understand that it is important to respect the beliefs of others, and that it is not our place to judge anyone. By learning about other religious views, wears also able to see how the Catholic faith was formed and how it connects to older religions.
    Even though theology classes at Elk County Catholic teach us so much about our faith, I believe that we could all learn even more if we were given more detailed information. In theology throughout elementary and middle school we spent too much time discussing the same information. We have constantly learned about the Sacraments, Original Sin, and the idea of Salvation. Each of these topics are extremely important to learn about, especially of you are new to the faith. However, in high school, I believe we need to focus more on new topics and how to defend the faith, instead of the same basic principles.

    1. Hailee,

      I don't like how your second sentence is worded because Catholics are usually going to be more knowledgeable with areas pertaining to God. I do like your second point though. It was similar to one of my points of how we are more than just a school. We are a community of believers united in Christ. The last problem I have with your blog is that you contradicted yourself. You used theology as one of your main points, but then you criticized it in the fourth paragraph.

  9. "Catholic schools tend to produce graduates who are more civically engaged, more tolerant for diverse views, and more committed to service as adults." (Catholic School Advantage). Catholic schools provide students the opportunity to be the most prepared for adult living. Elk County Catholic has a superior staff to prepare all students for any field of work. The faith centered day, helps the students to grow spiritually while developing the mind. The numerous sport programs at Elk County Catholic teach participants the importance of working together and how to manage their time effectively. Elk County Catholic provides students with the best possible education in the area and an opportunity to grow and develop their relationship with God. The staff of Elk County Catholic is caring and understanding and will help out any student if they need the extra help. They all care about their job and not about the money, their sole focus is to help each and every student in any way possible. The staff is also superior in teaching in their respective fields, some even teach in colleges in the area. Other have past experience with working for big name companies, like UPMC. One area that our school can improve on is the lunches that our school have. Our lunch are better than most schools, even with the Obama lunches. Our school lunches used to be the best and I looked forward to eating everyday. They were always filling and tasted great. Some schools have gone away from government aid with lunches, so that students do not leave the cafeteria hungry. If we when away form the government aid and allow us to have normal lunches and not be hungry after school. If this change happened our good school would become great.

    1. Mitchell,
      I like how you began with a quote from the Catholic School Advantage to show what I means to go to a Catholic School. It is also very important to show how our schools most important goal is to keep our faith instilled in everything we do, and you explained that well. I agree with the lunches and how that could make things better, but I'm not sure if that is a top priority at our school.

  10. The Elk County Catholic High School has shaped me into the person I am today. It has taught me that Christ is first in our life, and the entire system is centered around instilling his love in us. There are several reasons why I love my school, but these are my big three:

    My first reason is our school system's strong Catholic identity. Our school is completely centered around Christ and our faith. Even in our classrooms, we are able to learn of Christ and God's teaching. We hear His teachings and stories through the Gospel at Mass that we celebrate each week as a school. Our strong Catholic environment has shaped me into the Catholic I am today, and it allows me to express my faith every single day in an educational setting.

    Secondly, I love the personal experience at ECC. The close-knit relationship between teachers and students allows for each student to receive the best possible education they can. It is easy to receive help if you are in a struggle of any kind whether it is educational problem or personal problem. Each faculty member at ECC has the same mission, and that is to make sure every student receives the best possible education in the best possible setting.

    Thirdly, and most importantly, ECC has given me many of the wonderful people in my life today. All my friends who I have gained throughout my experience at ECC have made me who I am today and I know I will always remember the times we shared throughout our time at ECC. I have also grown great bonds and learned so many valuable life lessons from the teachers and coaches I have encountered. The people I have met along the way have truly made the experience at ECC a great one.

    Lastly, if I had to change one thing in our school system it would have to be to increase the opportunities to take AP and higher end courses. Other than just having the classes, I think we need to have teachers who are capable of teaching those higher end courses. ECC needs to make sure that each teacher is completely capable of teaching the course they are assigned, because if not, it is not fair for the students or the teacher.

  11. So, I'm not real sure why everyone is typing big long paragraphs, it says to list three things about why a Catholic school is great and give a suggestion as to how we could better our school, so it should be short.
    Here are my three reasons as to why Catholic schools are great:
    1. Being involved in church activities and Catholic rituals daily helps us to become better rooted in our Catholic faith than a non-Catholic school student.
    2. In a Catholic school, there are less students, and it allows the students to become close and mostly friendly to everyone with in the school. Everyone knows everyone, and most everyone are friends with each other. It's a nice family atmosphere.
    3. The teachers are not apart of a union, as the public school teachers are. Our teachers are focused on the betterment of the students and will help any student before or after school if they ask and are in need.
    I think we could better our school by focusing more on the betterment of our students academics, than on the dress code, water bottles and other rather stupid student infractions.
